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01 Oct, 2024
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Hallo my fellow spotters on the 1st day of October 2024.

It is a chilly first day of October, sending a chill down my spine, reminding me that the end of 2024 is in sight.  Ninety two days left to achieve what was a goal I set out in January.  Even me with my limited math skills know that this will not be possible: unless something change..

We all have a dream, a wish, a longing, and by God's grace, we all still have a glimmer of hope. My dream is at times so vivid that I can feel and smell it. Then comes disappointment,  someone does something consciously or unconsciously that just crushes my dream and dampens my spirit! I scream out: WHY? Why do you do this to me? Why me, what have I done to deserve this? I thought this was my turn, my chance to change.

 Maybe I missed the reality that the person who consciously or unconsciously inflicted this harm on me has his or her own battle to fight to survive. The person that I see as a culprit, might be the victim  of his own war,  his own pain. "I have to I have to look after my  family,  pay the rent, pay for my child to see the doctor" he says.  We all carry our own burdens.

Then of coarse, we get the ruthless, unscrupulous, thieving creature that makes a living stealing what you achieved and earned with a promise to make things better, just trust me, the post says! I guarantee that you will earn great returns, trust me, I've been doing this for a long time! They have always been part of society, called by the Creator, a brood of vipers!

Friends, I might not achieve what I set out to achieve 274 days ago, but I have hope and a plan and I want to take you along with me, join the journey, and be part of the change you owe yourself! Don't get left behind. 

Thank you for precious time to read this. We will speak again next week God willing.

Kind Regards

Property Spotter


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